понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Today I listened to two albums that were not quite thrilling and we not quite disappointing.�

The first was Educated Horses by Rob Zombie.� I wasnapos;t disappointed because I had very low expectations going in - after all, I had tried listening to The Sinister Urge and Hellbilly Deluxe before and didnapos;t like either of those.� But now that Iapos;ve got it out of my head that it should be just as good as Astro-Creep: 2000, I was able to enjoy some of the songs on this release, and I will be listening to those other two releases again sooner or later.�

Zombie has stripped out most of the industrial and electronic elements on this album.� The songs are basically just rock songs.� The one I liked was "American Witch".� It reminded me slightly of "Electric Head Pt. 1, the Agony" on AC:2000.� "Let It All Bleed Out", "Death of It All", and "The Devilapos;s Rejects" were also decent songs.�

I also listened to Filterapos;s first album, Short Bus. �I remembered the song "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from hearing it on the radio a lot in the 90apos;s, and thatapos;s a pretty cool song.� I thought the album wasnapos;t very memorable aside from that, though.� I did also like the song "Consider This".�

The album is driven by anger and bitterness, for the most part.� The singer, Richard Patrick (his brother is T-1000...how cool is that?), screams his lungs out through most of it.� Their style is not to have very electronic sounding electronic elements (for an industrial band).� Filter use very heavy, buzzing guitars and a prominent bass line through most of the album, as well as samples of phone conversations and messages and a voice effect on the quieter parts of the song that makes Richard sound like he is singing into a phone.� They have a simple, stripped down, abrasive sound.

There are two songs about suicide - the first is "Hey Man, Nice Shot", which is about Budd Dwyerapos;s televised suicide in the 80apos;s.� The second is "Itapos;s Over", which is about Jeff Wardapos;s murder of his girlfirend and suicide (he played in NIN and was a friend of Richard).�

Patrickapos;s lyrics arenapos;t well-written on any song but "Hey Man", but they donapos;t really need to be.

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