понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

building kits.com

Today I listened to two albums that were not quite thrilling and we not quite disappointing.�

The first was Educated Horses by Rob Zombie.� I wasnapos;t disappointed because I had very low expectations going in - after all, I had tried listening to The Sinister Urge and Hellbilly Deluxe before and didnapos;t like either of those.� But now that Iapos;ve got it out of my head that it should be just as good as Astro-Creep: 2000, I was able to enjoy some of the songs on this release, and I will be listening to those other two releases again sooner or later.�

Zombie has stripped out most of the industrial and electronic elements on this album.� The songs are basically just rock songs.� The one I liked was "American Witch".� It reminded me slightly of "Electric Head Pt. 1, the Agony" on AC:2000.� "Let It All Bleed Out", "Death of It All", and "The Devilapos;s Rejects" were also decent songs.�

I also listened to Filterapos;s first album, Short Bus. �I remembered the song "Hey Man, Nice Shot" from hearing it on the radio a lot in the 90apos;s, and thatapos;s a pretty cool song.� I thought the album wasnapos;t very memorable aside from that, though.� I did also like the song "Consider This".�

The album is driven by anger and bitterness, for the most part.� The singer, Richard Patrick (his brother is T-1000...how cool is that?), screams his lungs out through most of it.� Their style is not to have very electronic sounding electronic elements (for an industrial band).� Filter use very heavy, buzzing guitars and a prominent bass line through most of the album, as well as samples of phone conversations and messages and a voice effect on the quieter parts of the song that makes Richard sound like he is singing into a phone.� They have a simple, stripped down, abrasive sound.

There are two songs about suicide - the first is "Hey Man, Nice Shot", which is about Budd Dwyerapos;s televised suicide in the 80apos;s.� The second is "Itapos;s Over", which is about Jeff Wardapos;s murder of his girlfirend and suicide (he played in NIN and was a friend of Richard).�

Patrickapos;s lyrics arenapos;t well-written on any song but "Hey Man", but they donapos;t really need to be.

authority to declare war, building kits.com, building kitset homes, building kiva, building kiva fireplace.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

aamir khan latest news

Okay, so my dreads have made it to one month. Letapos;s see where we go from here

I was supposed to be in Crewe today, jiving with my uncle, but it got cancelled because my parents are both ill :(

So, happy unbirthday to my dreads, Iapos;m really pleased with them, but not a single picture I take does them justice

This is how I wear them most often (first few dreads pinned back with grips to keep them out of my face)

Towards the end of the month Iapos;m going to prepare for NaNo by wiping everything I donapos;t use off my laptop, giving it a full virus spyware scan (I know I should be doing that more often than I am but I can never be bothered) and Iapos;m going to MP3 all my favourite tracks so I can spend a month writing at least 50,000 words of a shit novel

Iapos;ve got my idea already, but putting it off until November is hard.
Plus I keep coming up with more ideas, itapos;s hard to pick one, but I think Iapos;ll stick with my original idea. :)

Good luck to any NaNo-ites


de la soul tourdates, aamir khan latest news, aamir khan latest pictures, aamir khan movie, aamir khan movie list.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

decode sql syntax

this week, jb has been cracking me up by doing stuff like this:

jb: mommy

me: yes? (in the other room)

jb: mommy?

me: yes? (still in the other room, folding clothes, etc.)

jb: julie amber jones i am talking to you. Why are you ignoring me?

me: (cracking up inside) i'm on my way, jb i wasn't ignoring you...

she has done this three seperate times this week, with the last time resulting in the vocalization of my full name on the first request. It makes me laugh because when i'm being bratty or rotten, jsj will look at me in mock horror (because he is bratty and rotten pretty much every day, haha) and say, "julie.amber.jones i can't believe you just did that." hearing her little munchkin voice say it is hilarious to me. Hahahahaha

**when we got married, i started putting my middle name on stuff because julie jones is SUCH a common name, and i used to work at a credit bureau and realize how easy it is to confuse identities, etc. So i wanted to make sure i put my full name on anything of importance because his name is extremely common too. I don't expect people to call me julie amber jones, or julie amber, or anything besides julie. Although, my friends do call me julie amber jones. But they say it like it is all one word. Julieamberjones. Oh, the other day i went to lunch with julieamberjones and then we went shopping. Julieamberjones?, can you pass the adhesive? crack me up

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daily survival kit


Me:�... Whoa, what?


Tommy:�I�have no idea what just happened.


[right outside Servo at rush hour, surrounded by tons and tons of people, mostly upperclassmen]

Pedobear:�You canapos;t play Bioshock with us, you have calculus homework



Tommy:�... Okay, we need to have a discussion.


Oh, G-burg.

Thereapos;s actually a Facebook group called "Overheard at Gettysburg", where people post odd, sometimes out of context, things they hear around campus. Iapos;m already quoted on it by random strangers once or twice. Iapos;m betting Iapos;ll have at least two more by the end of the year. I�was quoted as "Girl in the post office:�LOOK, I�HAVE�A�MASSIVE�PACKAGE"

I�hate myself sometimes.

Cute townspeople with cute dogs are cute. And make me late to Allies.

Time to curl up into a ball and pass out. Blaaaahhhh

amazing audition race video, daily survival kit, daily supplement vitamin, daily superior telegram wisconsin, daily superior telegram wi.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

camber wheel alignment

Random things I noticed today...

1. Itapos;s been quite a while since I last commissioned someone for art, and I kind of miss that. I think I should try and find someone whoapos;s bored enough to draw for moolah. :)

2. If you approach me with comments like "You donapos;t like me anyway, eh...", then youapos;re about to experience the miracle of the self-fullfilling prophecy.

3. If I say that Iapos;m busy and donapos;t have time to talk, donapos;t ask me what Iapos;m doing. If I had time to tell you, I wouldapos;ve done this already.

4. Juno Records is evil. Again, $200 down the drain, and a pile of hardstyle vinyl on my shelf.

5. "Project Finlay" is in its final stage. Weapos;ll see if I can take him to FC without making customs officers think Iapos;m transporting a bomb.

6. Iapos;m bored.

7. Translated versions of the Eurofurence 14 press articles are finished very soon. Watch this space.

8. Iapos;m still bored.

9. I should go to bed now.

10. ....but Iapos;m too bored to sleep.
camber wheel alignment, camber wheel, camber tracking vehicle, camber tool.